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 Tony's RV-10 Build   Dec-5-2024   

  Sect 41 - Instrument Panel

  Sect 25-26 - Fuselage
  Sect 9 - Elevators
  Sect 8 - Horizontal Stabilizer
  Sect 7 - Rudder Assembly
  Sect 6 - Vert. Stabilizer
  Building Work Tables


Tony's Build of the Van's Aircraft RV-10

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Section 9 Elevators
....Sept 19, 2021

Match drilled, deburred, dimpled and primed. Finally applying some rivets again. Doing the elevators one side at a time.


Section 9 Elevators
....July 31, 2021

Everything clecod together. Match drill the skins, debure, dimple and prime. Should be riveting again sometime this week.


Avionics / Panel
....July 26, 2021

Carefully photographed everything as I took the panel apart. It has to come apart before you can install it again. The connectors and wiring harness, by Stein, are very well labeled.


Section 9 Elevators
....May 8, 2021

Well... have been putting these off for a while. Started working on these elevator tips a while back. Got very frustrated and set them asside. At a point where I have to attach them, so... can't avoid them now. What a PITA... They are together, but the process is ugly... thicker material, and they just don't go together. More work to do.


Section 9 Elevators
....April 21, 2021

Finally back to working on the elevators. The first tab bend was not great. Spent some time thinking through a better way and the remaining three tabs look good. Will cut off the first one and rivet on a replacemnt tab.


Avionics / Panel
....April 9, 2021

Got the panel unboxed and carefully placed on a table. Will need to set up a more proper place for this to live for a while. Really nice work from Stein.. looks really nice.


Avionics / Panel
....April 3, 2021

Got a box from Stein Air yesterday. Will take pictures of the unboxing as I get into it. Stein included some Garmin and Stein Air swag in the box... they have a couple of tags that are funny. "We aren't happy until you are broke." Pretty funny :)


Shop / Workspace
....Jan 10, 2021

After months of getting drawings finished, months of agency approval and obtaining permits, finally have things moving at the new office / shop. Slab was poured this past Friday night. Now, just waiting on a building to be delivered... more waiting :)


Section 25-26 Fuselage
....Dec 2, 2020

Picked up the quick build fuselage today. Those are two very large boxes. They are going to stay on the trailer for a while. Not yet ready to deal with them.


Section 8 - Horizontal Stabilizer
....Nov 29, 2020

Hor. stab is finally done. Was not as productive on this part and I should have been. Took a few months to complete. On to the elevators... once I figure out where I am going to store/hang this thing...


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Entries Posted To Date :: 67


Status / Completed

08/01/21 - QB Wings Ordered
05/15/21 - New QB Fuse Delivered
04/25/21 - QB Fuse Returned
04/09/21 - Instrument Panel Delivered
12/2/20 - QB Fuse Delivered
11/29/20 - Hor. Stab Complete
05/2/20 - Rudder Completed
03/20/20 - Ordered QB Fuse
02/26/20 - V. Stab Completed
02/07/20 - Reserved N584TA
01/24/20 - Start Vertical Stabilizer
01/16/20 - Building Work Tables
01/02/20 - Ordered Empennage Kit
12/27/19 - Ordered Tools Cleaveland Tools Kit
8/2/19 - Preliminary Schedule Complete
7/5/19 - Working through preliminay schedule
7/1/19 - Planning, researching, etc.
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 Tony's RV-10 Build   Dec-5-2024   
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